Kinetics of substrate channeling. A, transient time analysis of SmPutA. The circles show NADH production from SmPutA (0.25 μm) with 40 mm proline, 200 μm CoQ1, and 200 μm NAD+, pH 7.5. The solid curve shows the predicted NADH formation using a two-enzyme nonchanneling model of the SmPutA PRODH-GSALDH coupled reaction (Equation 1). Linear extrapolation of the nonchanneling model as shown by the dashed line yields a transient time of 6 min. B, initial velocity of the coupled PRODH-GSALDH reaction with varied proline concentration and fixed CoQ1 (300 μm) and NAD+ (200 μm). Non-linear least squares fit of the data to a substrate inhibition model as shown gave best fit parameters of kcat = 1.6 ± 0.1 s−1, Km = 7 ± 1 mm, and Ki = 263 ± 36 mm proline.