Figure 1. Circular chromosome map of R. conorii genome showing the location of four well-known and all sRNAs expressed during the infection of HMECs in vitro.
The Rc_sRs are dispersed throughout the R. conorii genome. Complete R. conorii genome showing the location of all trans- and cis-acting Rc_sRs expressed during the infection of HMECs. The different circles with bars represent: (1) Dark green (outermost): R. conorii ORFs annotated on the sense strand, (2) Red: R. conorii ORFs annotated on the anti-sense strand, (3) Bright green: Genomic location of novel trans-acting sRNAs, (4) Blue: Genomic location of novel cis-acting sRNAs, (5): GC plot, (6) GC skew (innermost circle). The Black lines in the third circle (outside to inside) represent the 4 well known sRNAs namely, ssrS, ssrA, RNaseP_bact_a, and ffs. The red lines in the fourth circle (outside to inside) represent riboswitches namely, Rc_sR3, Rc_15, Rc_sR28 and Rc_sR30. The genome map was generated in dnaplotter using R. conorii annotated genome (PATRIC genome ID: 27944.4).