Figure 3.
The number of female gametophytic precursors is influenced by the parental genotype. (A) Quantitative analysis of stage 1 ovules showing more than one gametophytic precursor in F2 and F3 segregant populations derived from ago4-6/+ (Col); ago9-3/+ (Col) individuals. The letter indicates pairwise results of two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests used to estimate statistical significance of differences between genotypes: a, comparison to ago4-6/+ ; ago9-3/+ (F1). ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. (B) The compensatory effect resulting from simultaneous loss of function of AGO4 and AGO9 is progressively diminished through consecutive generations. Letters indicate pairwise results of two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests used to estimate statistical significance of differences between genotypes: a, comparison to ago4-6 ago9-3 (F2); b, comparison to ago4-6 ago9-3 (F3). ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. SDs were calculated on the basis of biological replicates for each genotype.