Figure 4. dcaf12 in the control of tissue homeostasis.
A. Overexpression of dcaf12 sensitizes retina to UV-induced cell death. Tissue loss after UV irradiation in pupae (at 24 hours APF) was quantified by measuring size of the right (irradiated; 17.5mJ of UV radiation using Stratalinker 1800) and left (non-irradiated) adult retina. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. In all cases p<0.01 from Student’s t-test.
B, C. dcaf12 genedose influences tumor-like phonotype of scribble mutant cells. GFP-marked mutant clones were generated using an eye-specific MARCM system (eyeless::Gal4, UAS::FLP; act>y+>Gal4, UAS::GFP; FRT82B, tub::Gal80). Clonal growth can be observed in mid-pupal stages (B). Consistent with the differences in clonal growth, the tumor-like phenotype in the adult retina was strongly influenced by the dcaf12 genedose (C).
D, E. Rescue of ddb1 loss of function phenotype by overexpression of P35 or loss of dcaf12
The ddb1 hypomorphic allele ddb1PL12c strongly limits clonal growth in the eye. Loss of dcaf12 (D), or over-expression of P35 (E) in these clones rescues clonal growth.
F. Rescue of ddb1PL12c loss of function phenotype by loss of dcaf12. Quantification of clone sizes in third instar wing discs (2 days after clone induction, ACI). GFP-marked clones were generated using MARCM (hs::FLP, UAS::GFP;;tub::Gal4, FRT82B, tub::Gal80). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. P values from Student’s t-test.