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. 2015 Sep 12;32(4):515–530. doi: 10.1007/s10940-015-9265-6

Table 1.

Male population, estimated prisoners under state and federal jurisdiction, and estimated incarceration rates per 100,000 by age and race/ethnicity in 2010

Age range Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic
Paij Pij/Pi (Eij) (Tij) Paij Pij/Pi (Eij) (Tij) Paij Pij/Pi (Eij) (Tij)
18–19 2612 0.042 3900 149.3 694 0.055 10,400 1497.4 955 0.055 5300 554.9
20–24 6308 0.101 42,800 678.4 1484 0.117 75,200 5066.5 2302 0.132 44,800 1945.9
25–29 6170 0.099 64,700 1048.5 1290 0.102 94,900 7351.5 2276 0.131 62,300 2737.1
30–34 5799 0.093 64,300 1108.7 1202 0.095 95,700 7959.4 2143 0.123 62,400 2911.7
35–39 6025 0.096 58,800 975.8 1191 0.094 78,300 6573.2 1970 0.113 49,900 2532.0
40–44 6630 0.106 61,200 923.1 1227 0.097 68,200 5554.8 1763 0.101 37,700 2137.6
45–49 7640 0.100 59,400 777.4 1302 0.103 60,000 4607.3 955 0.090 28,600 1875.4
50–54 7817 0.102 43,200 552.6 1236 0.097 41,100 3323.9 2302 0.072 18,000 1486.4
55–59 7089 0.093 24,700 348.4 991 0.078 21,400 2158.4 2276 0.053 9300 1045.9
60–64 6244 0.082 14,700 235.4 744 0.059 9300 1249.4 2143 0.038 4600 712.6
65+ 14,031 0.184 13,500 96.2 1324 0.104 5600 422.8 1970 0.070 3600 304.6
P: ∑Pa 76,371 12,690 16,863
E: ∑Ea 451,200 560,100 326,500
T: 590.8 4413.7 1936.1

Pa, males per age group; P, total male population; Ea, incarcerated males per age group; Ta, age-specific male incarceration rate

aIn thousands