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. 2016 Nov 2;63(Suppl 4):S227–S235. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw558

Table 1.

Key Model Parameters and Background Data by Country

Parameter Bangladesh Nigeria Brazil Distribution
 Live births, No. (latest year available) [7] 2 933 000 (2012) 1 807 025 (2007) 2 832 590 (2013) NA
 Infant mortality rate, deaths/1000 live births, 2014 [8] 32.1 71.5 14.4 NA
 Neonatal mortality rate, deaths/1000 live births, 2014 [8] 24.2 35 9.6 NA
 Life expectancy at birth, y (range) [9] 71.0 (69.0–72.9) 52.3 (50.2–53.7) 74.1 (72.6–75.4) Uniform
 Discounted life expectancy at birth, 3% discount rate (range) [10] 27.82 (27.3–28.3) 22.94 (22.2–23.4) 28.47 (28.2–28.7) Uniform
 Discounted life expectancy at birth, 5% discount rate (range) [10] 18.39 (18.1–18.6) 15.78 (15.3–16.1) 18.75 (18.6–18.9) Uniform
 GDP per capita, 2014 [11] $1086.80 $3203.30 $11384.40 NA
Pertussis mortality
 Probability of death from pertussis, first year of life (see Methods) Ranged to determine mortality thresholds Uniform
 Pertussis deaths by age in first year, %, 2014 [12]
  0–1 mo 62.50 Constant
  2–3 mo 29.17 Constant
  4–5 mo 6.25 Constant
  6–8 mo 1.04 Constant
  9–11 mo 1.04 Constant
Probability of death from other causes [8]
 0–1 mo 0.02492 0.03838 0.01004 Constant
 2–3 mo 0.00148 0.00700 0.00088 Constant
 4–5 mo 0.00148 0.00700 0.00088 Constant
 6–8 mo 0.00222 0.01048 0.00132 Constant
 9–11 mo 0.00222 0.01048 0.00132 Constant
DTP vaccination by age and dose (see Methods)
 Probability of DTP1, if not received earlier
  2–3 mo (SE) 0.810 (0.010) 0.340 (0.006) 0.940 (0.002) Beta
  4–5 mo (SE) 0.737 (0.011) 0.106 (0.004) 0.360 (0.004) Beta
  6–8 mo (SE) 0.400 (0.012) 0.068 (0.003) 0.160 (0.003) Beta
  9–11 mo (SE) 0.200 (0.010) 0.055 (0.003) 0.040 (0.002) Beta
 Probability of DTP2, once DTP1 has been received
  4–5 mo (SE) 0.925 (0.007) 0.821 (0.005) 0.920 (0.002) Beta
  6–8 mo (SE) 0.636 (0.012) 0.417 (0.006) 0.790 (0.003) Beta
  9–11 mo (SE) 0.200 (0.010) 0.300 (0.006) 0.410 (0.004) Beta
 Probability of DTP3, once DTP2 has been received
  6–8 mo (SE) 0.924 (0.007) 0.750 (0.006) 0.940 (0.002) Beta
  9–11 mo (SE) 0.667 (0.012) 0.417 (0.006) 0.650 (0.004) Beta
Infant vaccine efficacy [13]
 Efficacy in infants who received only 1 dose of wP vaccine (SE) 0.68 (0.09) Beta
 Efficacy in infants who received 2 or 3 doses of wP vaccine (SE) 0.95 (0.02) Beta
Maternal vaccine efficacy (SE) [4] 0.85 (0.03) Beta
Maternal vaccine coverage
 At least 1 antenatal care visit, % (SE; year) [14, 15] 78.6 (0.59; 2014) 65.8 (0.33; 2013) NA Beta
 Coverage of maternal Td/Tdap, Brazil, % (range), 2015 (see Methods) NA NA 53.03 (40.3–60.2) Beta
Maternal vaccine program costs
 Td plus monovalent aP vaccine, per dose, range (see Methods) $0.50–$5.00 $0.50–$5.00 $4.00–$12.00 Uniform
 Incremental vaccine delivery cost per dose (see Methods) $0 NA
EPI vaccine infant program costs
 Pentavalent DTwP-HepB-Hib, per dose, 2016 (range) [1619] $2.23 ($1.40–$2.81) $2.23 ($1.40–$2.81) $2.30 ($2.19–$2.42) Uniform
 Incremental delivery cost per dose (range) [2022] $0.74 ($0.67–$0.81) $5.83 ($5.25–$6.41) $5.97 ($5.37–$6.57) Uniform
Disease management costs
 Inpatient care, per day [23] $5.70 $25.83 NA NA
 Length of hospital stay, d (see Methods) 6.0–9.2 NA
 Total cost (range) $43.30 ($34–$52) $196.32 ($155–$238) NA Uniform
 Hospital cost for infants who died of pertussis, Brazil (SE) [12] NA NA $1124 ($185) Gamma

Source in brackets. All costs are in 2014 US dollars.

Abbreviations: aP, acellular pertussis; DTP, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis; DTwP, diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis; EPI, Expanded Programme on Immunization; GDP, gross domestic product; HepB, hepatitis B; Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b; NA, not applicable; SE, standard error; Td, tetanus-diphtheria; Tdap, tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis; wP, whole-cell pertussis.