Figure 3. Quantitative analysis by 3D MALDI MSI.
(a) Control tumor tissue spotted with PTX standards at increasing concentration (R1 = 0 pmol, R2 = 0.5 pmol, R3 = 1 pmol, R4 = 2.5 pmol, R5 = 5 pmol, R6 = 10 pmol). The image shows the intensity of the PTX fragment ion at m/z 284.2 normalized to the D5-PTX fragment ion at m/z 289.2. (b) Calibration curve plotted using the mean signal intensity PTX/D5-PTX ratios of the region of interest (ROI) R2-R6. (c) 3D images of PTX/D5-PTX distribution inside treated mesothelioma with 2X magnification of the area with the higher signal.