Figure 6.
Increased mTORC1 activity by loss of Pten is more beneficial for sustained cone survival. Data shown are from rd1-Ptenc/c mice, unless indicated otherwise. (a) Immunofluorescence analysis on retinal flat mounts for indicated proteins (red signal) at 2 months of age (green: PNA; scale bar: 20μm). (b) Immunofluorescence analysis on retinal flat mounts for mTOR (red signal) and LAMP2 (green signal) in Cre+ mice at 2 months of age. Upper panel shows only mTOR and lower panel shows colocalization with LAMP2 (scale bar: 20μm). Bar graphs represent percentage of mTOR punctae that colocalize with LAMP2 per cone. Data from rd1-Tsc1c/cMCre+ mice (representative images in Figure 4a) is provided for comparison. The data represent values obtained from at least 60 cones across two animals per genotype (****P<0.0001 by Student's t-test). (c) Immunofluorescence analysis on retinal flat mounts for LAMP1 (red signal) in Cre− and Cre+ mice at 2 months of age. Cones were identified by cone arrestin staining (green signal; scale bar: 20μm). Bar graphs showing the number of LAMP1 punctae per cone. Data represent values obtained from at least 60 cones across two animals per genotype (****P<0.0001 by Student's t-test). (d) Representative retinal flat mounts of rd1-Ptenc/c mice at 12 months of age showing improved cone survival in Cre+ mice (red: cone arrestin; scale bar: 1 mm). (e) Quantification of cone survival at 12 months of age comparing data obtained from rd1-Ptenc/cCre+ mice with previously published data from rd1-Tsc1c/cCre+ mice3 (*P<0.05 by Student's t-test). (f) Linear regression of cone survival over time in rd1-Tsc1c/cCre+ and rd1-Ptenc/cCre+ mice. **P<0.01; ***P<0.005