A, voltage responses of a S1 cortical neuron to repetitive injections of depolarizing current pulses (+0.4 nA), in between seizures (Aa), during SWDs (Ab) and inter‐ictal epochs associated with a DC hyperpolarization (–0.2 nA) (Ac). Suprathreshold responses obtained during the W‐component are shaded blue in Ab. The arrow indicates the occurrence of an intrinsic burst in the stimulated neuron. In each panel, the top trace is the corresponding ECoG activity. The individual responses shown in Ad are representative examples obtained during inter‐ictal (black trace) and wave (blue trace) periods, and during the course of inter‐ictal epochs together with DC injection (orange trace). Calibrations in Ab apply also to Aa. B, population data indicating the V
m values just before the current pulse (top) during inter‐ictal epochs (I‐I), the W‐component (W) and inter‐ictal period coupled with DC hyperpolarization (I‐I −I
DC) (top). The bottom graph provides the corresponding number of current‐evoked APs in the three conditions. *
P < 0.05; **
P < 0.01; ***
P < 0.001; n.s., non‐significant.