Figure 3.
Effects of reciprocal modulation of IK1 and INa and changes in gap junction conductance, Ggj, on fiber thresholds. (A) Changes in fiber threshold due to reciprocal modulation of GK1–GNa (1:1 ratio). At any particular value of GK1–GNa, increasing Ggj raises the threshold for initiating a propagating action potential. The curves for Ggj = 0.1 and 0.2 μS (top two curves) overlap considerably. Magnitudes of current thresholds increase monotonically with increasing GK1–GNa for Ggj = 0.1–1 μS while higher values of Ggj result in biphasic dependence. (B) Changes in fiber conduction velocity due to reciprocal modulation of GK1–GNa. At any particular value of GK1–GNa, increasing Ggj increases the conduction velocity of propagating action potentials. Markers are the same as panel A: top curve is for Ggj = 20 μS.