Differentially expressed genes overlapping with previous studies. Genes from the 344 most differentially expressed genes (listed in electronic supplementary material, table S1) comparing high and low fear-of-human lines were compared with genomic regions described in previous studies examining effects of fear and domestication. Growth1: growth-related QTL region on chromosome one, study by Carlborg and co-workers [21]; Fearfulness: study by Jöngren et al. [33]; Sweep: sweep regions related to chicken domestication as identified by Rubin et al. [34]; Domestication: differentially expressed genes between red junglefowl and white leghorn, study by Nätt et al. [24]. The table gives the gene (or the Ensembl transcript ID where the annotation is not known), the log fold change (FC), the p-value of the differential expression, the position of the gene (chromosome and start position) and the study with which it overlaps.