FIGURE 3. PhAH and SF2312 interact with ENO2 through a complex network of electrostatic, metal coordination and hydrogen bond interactions.
(a) Stereo presentation of PhAH and (b) SF2312 binding in the ENO2 active site. The protein backbone is shown using the cartoon depiction with key amino acids for magnesium or ligand binding highlighted using the stick representation. Magnesium ions and water molecules are shown as magenta or red spheres respectively. Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination bonds are both represented by black dashed lines. The 2Fo-Fc unbiased omit electron density map for each ligand, cotoured at 1.5σ, is shown as a grey mesh around the ligand. Coordinates were deposited in PDB (ENO2:PhAH, 4ZA0; ENO2:SF2312, 4ZCW).