Figure 8. The influence of reward-evaluation and performance-evaluation on parietal beta ERSP following feedback.
Figure 8a show ERSP time-frequency maps at the electrode CPz and topographic maps (the grand-average of beta ERSP power at 15–25 Hz, 400 – 600 ms window following feedback onset). ERSP activity locked to feedback onset is separated into reward evaluation (Reward-Trial vs. No-Reward Trial feedbacks) and performance evaluation (Bad-Performance vs. Good-Performance feedbacks). Note that we computed time-frequency maps from −830 to 1828 ms (see text). However, for visual proposes, we only show 300 to 700 ms relative to the feedback onset here. This is to highlight beta activity (15–25 Hz) between 400 – 600 ms. To further highlight ERSP power at the beta band, we also constrains the heat-map scales for the time-frequency maps to −2 to 2 dB. Note also that heat-map scales for the time-frequency and topographic maps are different. Figure 8b depicts p-values, FDR corrected, showing the main effect of Reward Evaluation (Reward Trial vs. No-Reward Trial), main effect of Performance Evaluation (Bad- vs. Good-Performance) and their interaction. For these p-value maps, the time-frequency map shows p values at each time and frequency at CPz, while the topographic map shows p values at the beta (15–25 Hz) band at the 400 – 600 ms window following feedback onset at every electrode. Figure 8c shows grand-average of beta power (15–25 Hz) at CPz during 400 – 600 ms window following feedback onset, separated by conditions. Error bars represent standard error of the mean, corrected for repeated-measure comparison. Figure 8d shows a scatterplot between Motivated-Learning Inaccurate Estimation (i.e., during the last experimental block) and feedback-locked theta ERSP (15–25 Hz) during 400 – 600 ms window following feedback onset at CPz. The feedback-locked theta ERSP is separated into the ERSP during the Reward Trials and No-Reward Trials, collapsing across Bad- and Good-Performance. Gray areas indicate the confident interval of 95% around the regression line.