Fig. 1.
Social isolation enhances social dominance. (A) Schematic of the tube test. In this example, the left rat pushed the right rat out of the Plexiglas tube, and the left rat was declared the winner. (B) Captured video images from a representative match. From top to bottom, the beginning to the end of the match is sequentially indicated. (C) Results of a social dominance tube test. Percentage of wins in the matches between socially isolated and nonisolated rats (10 matches). (D) Results of social dominance tube test between socially isolated rats treated with RU486 and nonisolated rats treated with vehicle (12 matches). (E) Results of social dominance tube test between socially isolated rats treated with RU486 and nonisolated rats treated with RU486 (seven matches). *P < 0.05 (χ2 test).