Shibire is not required for Wg endocytosis. (A–F) Confocal sections of wing discs from shits1 (A, B, and D) or w1118 (C) incubated at the permissive temperature of 23 °C (A and C) or at the restrictive temperature of 31–32 °C (B and D) showing 5- to 8-min pulsed endosomes of Dextran (A and B; red in A″ and B″), DFz2 (A′ and B′; green in A″ and B″), or Wg (C and D). E and F show quantification of the intensity of DFz2 and Wg endosomes, respectively, between control and shits1 wing discs. Robust endocytic uptake of fluid and mBSA is observed in wing discs of w1118 (32 °C) and shits1 (room temperature-permissive) and both serve as controls for Dynamin function. Error bars indicate the SE calculated from three to six wing discs. P < 10−25 in E. A″ and B″ indicate YZ projection of Control and shits1 wing discs, respectively, along the planes indicated. Red and green arrows in A″ and B″ indicate the plane of the representative images. Boxed regions are magnified (∼2.7×) and shown below the respective images. The image in C has been rotated; all images background-subtracted and median-filtered with intensities appropriately scaled for representation. Although DFz2 endocytosis is affected in shits1 wing discs shifted to restrictive temperature, both Dex and Wg endocytosis remain unaffected. (Scale bars, 50 μm.)