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. 2016 May 20;65(4):363–372. doi: 10.1538/expanim.16-0011

Table 1. Preliminary selection of maximum tolerable dose of PH for experimental animals.

Animal groups Dose (mg/kg-1 bw) Dose interval (h) Total number of doses (n) Total dose (mg/kg-1 bw) Total duration of treatment (h) Physical signs Tolerance by animals
1 5 12 2 10 24 No physical change Survived
5 12 4 20 48 Slight appearance of yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
5 12 8 40 96 Slight change in skin and eye color Survived

2 5 24 2 10 48 No physical change Survived
5 24 4 20 96 Slight appearance of yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
5 24 8 40 192 Slight appearance of yellow color of skin and eyes Survived

3 5 48 2 10 96 No physical change Survived
5 48 4 20 192 No physical change Survived
5 48 8 40 382 Slight appearance of yellow color of skin and eyes Survived

4 25 12 2 50 24 Appearance of deep yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
25 12 4 100 48 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived
25 12 8 200 96 Swear anemic response, dark gray color of skin and eyes due to almost complete hemolysis Died after 8th dose

5 25 24 2 50 48 Appearance of deep yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
25 24 4 100 96 Appearance of deep yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
25 24 8 200 192 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived

6 25 48 2 50 96 No physical change Survived
25 48 4 100 192 Appearance of deep yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
25 48 8 200 382 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived

7 50 12 2 100 24 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived
50 12 4 200 48 Swear anemic response, dark gray color of skin and eyes due to almost complete hemolysis Died after 4th dose
50 12 8 400 Not treated

8 50 24 2 100 48 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived
50 24 4 200 96 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived
50 24 8 400 192 Swear anemic response, dark gray color of skin and eyes due to almost complete hemolysis Died after 7th dose

9 50 48 2 100 96 Appearance of deep yellow color of skin and eyes Survived
50 48 4 200 192 Anemic and lethargic response, gray color of skin and eyes due to excess hemolysis Survived
50 48 8 400 382 Swear anemic response, dark gray color of skin and eyes due to almost complete hemolysis Died after 8th dose