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. 2016 Nov 3;2016:7684915. doi: 10.1155/2016/7684915

Table 3.

MiRC for GbC: surgical technique details.

Author, year of publication Study period Patients number Attempted MiRC Conversion to open RC, rate Completion/
Liver resection LIOUS Liver transection technique Type of liver resection LB thickness Nodal excision Port site excision Nodal excision first Pringle CBD resection (patients number)
Cho et al., 2008 [16] NS 3 3 0 0/3 Yes Yes Harmonic scalpel, clips LB 2 cm Yes Yes No No
de Aretxabala et al., 2010 [17] 2005–2009 18 18 13/18 18/0 Yes No Harmonic scalpel, clips, vascular stapler LB NS Yes No Yes Only if needed No
Gumbs and Hoffman, 2010 [18] NS 3 3 0 1/2 Yes Yes Harmonic scalpel, bipolar, clips LB 3–5 cm Yes 1/1 Yes No No
Gumbs and Hoffman, 2010 [19] NS 6 6 0 0/6 Yes Yes Harmonic scalpel, bipolar, clips LB 3–5 cm Yes Yes No Yes (1)
Belli et al., 2011 [25] 2006–2008 4 4 0 4/0 Yes NA NA Wedge 2 cm Yes Yes No Yes 0
Shen et al., 2012£ [20] 2010-2011 5 5 0 2/3 Yes No Harmonic scalpel, electric hook LB 2 cm Yes No No No No
Gumbs et al., 2013# [21] 2005–2011 15 15 1/15 5/10 Yes Yes NS LB& 1 cm Yes No No NS No
Machado et al., 2015 [15] 2015 1 1 0 1/0 Yes No Bipolar forceps S4b-5 Yes No Yes No No
Yoon et al., 2015 [22] 2004–2014 45 32 1/32 0/32 Yes Yes NS LB 2 mmç Yes No No No
Shirobe and Maruyama, 2015 [23] 2001–2013 11 11 0 7/4 6/11 Yes Harmonic scalpel, BiClamp LB 1 cm Yes No Yes No Yes (2)
Agarwal et al., 2015 [26] 2011–2013 24 (versus 46 open) 24 0 4/20 Yes No Harmonic scalpel, ultrasonic aspirator S4b-5 Yes 4/4 No No No
Itano et al., 2015# [27] 2007–2013 19 (versus 14 open) 16 0 0/16 Yes Yes Harmonic scalpel LB 1 cm Yes No No No
Palanisamy et al., 2016 [24] 2008–2013 14 14 0 0/14 Yes No Harmonic scalpel, ligasure, ultrasonic aspirator S4b-5 Yes Yes No No

MiRC: minimally invasive radical cholecystectomy, RC: radical cholecystectomy, GbC: gallbladder cancer, LIOUS: laparoscopic intraoperative ultrasonography, LB: liver bed, NS: not specified, and S4b-5: liver segments 4b + 5.

Patients who underwent only laparoscopic exploration were excluded from the current analysis.

£Robot-assisted radical cholecystectomies.

#Multicenter retrospective study.

&Two patients underwent extended right hepatectomy.

çData reported in a previous paper from the same study group [28].

Liver bed resection not performed if tumor located on the peritoneal side of the gallbladder.