Figure 2. WNT10BR identification in AML patients.
(a) Genomic identification (P1 single primer extension, upper panel) performed on MNC cells in a representative cohort of n = 6 healthy donors and n = 12 AML patients. In the lower panel the WNT10B and WNT10BIVS1 gene expression analysis with the GAPDH as housekeeping gene. (b) Schematic diagram of genomic WNT10B locus, consisting in five exons (upper panel). In the lower panel is represented a scheme of the rearrangement involving the WNT10B locus upstream the exon 2, defining the sequence at WNT10B 5′-end flanking region. The electropherogram shows the WNT10BR sequence and the red line squared non-human sequence extending upstream the portion of IVS1 (AML#9).