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. 2016 Nov 16;16:114. doi: 10.1186/s12871-016-0281-3

Table 1.

Base case model inputs

Parameter Default valuea Source
Time Horizon 1 month (21 working days) Assumption
Operating Room
 Start of OR day 7:30 AM Assumption
 End of OR day 4:00 PM Assumption
 Time from start of OR day to OR admission of first patient 10 min [36]
 Time between procedures (turnover time) 35.6 min [37]
 Time for OR clean-up/prep for next day 15 min Assumption
 Number of procedures per day 5 Assumption
 Mean time per procedure with neostigmine use 72.9 min Analysis of RECITE Canada data (data on file)
 Probability of cancellation of schedule procedure (unrelated to OR time over-run) 10.7% [38]
 Is next procedure moved up when cancellation occurs? No Assumption
 Can a procedure be cancelled because there is not enough OR time available? Yes Assumption
 Cancellation policy No procedures may begin after end of OR day Assumption
 Probability of emergency procedure insertion 0% Assumption
 Probability of semi-emergency procedure insertion 0% Assumption
Residual Neuromuscular Block
 Risk of residual block at extubation with neostigmine use 60.0% [6, 19, 20]
 Absolute excess risk of hypoxemia with residual block 24.5% [33]
 Absolute excess risk of upper airway obstruction with residual block 44.2% [6, 32]
Impact of Sugammadex vs. Neostigmine
 Reduction in time from patient OR admission to OR discharge
 All patients verified to have full neuromuscular recovery (TOF ratio ≥0.9) prior to extubation in the OR 14 min Grintescu et al. 2009 [16]; P318 2010 [13]
 No patients verified to have full neuromuscular recovery (TOF ratio ≥0.9) prior to extubation in the OR 0 min P334 2009 [12]; P07981 2013 [14]; P07038 2014 [15]
Reduction in risk of residual neuromuscular blockade at extubation, among patients not verified to have full neuromuscular recovery (TOF ratio ≥0.9) prior to extubation 93% [6]
OR Staff Eligible for Overtime Pay
 Registered nurses 3 present Assumption
 Respiratory therapist 1 present Assumption
 Nurse aide 1 present Assumption
 Overtime pay policy 30 min increments Assumption

OR Operating room

aAssumed Arena probability distributions [Mean time per procedure with neostigmine use (LOGN 72.9,29.2); Turnover time (10+EXPO{25.6}); Time to OR admission of 1st patient (DISC{0.5,5,1,15});OR clean-up time (TRIA{7.5,15,22.5})]