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. 2016 Nov 15;11(11):e0166533. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166533

Table 4. Fit Indices for Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis Evaluating Measurement Invariance of the Single-factor Structure Including the Four Intelligence Subtests Across Individuals With and Without a Migration Background.

Model df χ2 CFI Mc RMSEA 90% CI Δdf Δχ2 ΔCFI ΔMc Small diff p
1 Configural invariance 3 11.506 .986 .993 .067 [.029, .110]
2 Metric invariance 6 16.481 .983 .992 .053 [.023, .084]
 2 versus 1 3 4.975 .003 .001 .174
3 Scalar invariance 9 29.839 .965 .984 .061 [.037, .085]
 3 versus 2 3 13.358 .018 .008 .271
4 Residual invariance 13 62.525 .918 .962 .078 [.059, .098]
 4 versus 2 4 32.686 .047 .022 .181
5 Factor variancesa 10 38.824 .952 .977 .068 [.046, .091]
 5 versus 2 1 8.985 .013 .007 .270
6 Factor meansa 10 150.616 .766 .895 .149 [.129, .171]
 6 versus 2 1 120.777 .199 .089 .034

Note. NTotal = 632, NWithout migration background = 316, NWith migration background = 316. CFI = Comparative Fit Index; Mc = McDonald’s Noncentrality Index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval.

a Factor variance invariance and factor mean invariance were calculated at the level of measurement invariance, as scalar invariance did not hold.