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. 2016 Nov 15;13(11):e1002170. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002170

Table 1. Number of confirmed or probable (CP) cases, exposures, and matched CP-CP contacts and details of the type of exposure and the reported relationship between the case and potential source contact.

Detail All Guinea Liberia Sierra Leone
Numbers of cases, exposures, and matched contacts
Total cases 19,618 3,529 5,343 10,746
Cases reporting an exposure 6,403 (32.6%) 892 (25.3%) 2,078 (38.9%) 3,433 (31.9%)
Only non-funeral 4,183 (65.3%) 571 (64.0%) 1,717 (82.6%) 1,895 (55.2%)
Only funeral 247 (3.9%) 40 (4.5%) 49 (2.4%) 158 (4.6%)
Both 1,973 (30.8%) 281 (31.5%) 312 (15.0%) 1,380 (40.2%)
Total reported exposures 9,711 1,366 2,803 5,542
Funeral 2,382 (24.5%) 325 (23.8%) 396 (14.1%) 1,661 (30.0%)
Non-funeral 7,329 (75.5%) 1,041 (76.2%) 2,407 (85.9%) 3,881 (70.0%)
Total matched exposures 1,352 (13.9%) 319 (23.4%) 345 (12.3%) 688 (12.4%)
Funeral 243 (18.0%) 68 (21.3%) 24 (7.0%) 151 (21.9%)
Non-funeral 1,109 (82.0%) 251 (78.7%) 321 (93.0%) 537 (78.1%)
Total number of matched potential source contacts (cases who were named as contacts multiple times are only counted once) 753 163 237 353
Details about types of exposures
Funeral, with type of exposure reported 1,657 (69.6%) 216 (66.5%) 273 (68.9%) 1,168 (70.3%)
Touched corpse 1,071 (64.6%) 154 (71.3%) 167 (61.2%) 750 (64.2%)
Did not touch corpse 586 (35.4%) 62 (28.7%) 106 (38.8%) 418 (35.8%)
Non-funeral, with type of exposure reported 2,461 (33.6%) 102 (9.8%) 1,430 (59.4%) 929 (23.9%)
Belongings 1,379 (56.0%) 30 (29.4%) 757 (52.9%) 592 (63.7%)
Bodily fluids 1,318 (53.6%) 35 (34.3%) 711 (49.7%) 572 (61.6%)
Within same household 937 (38.1%) 31 (30.4%) 492 (34.4%) 414 (44.6%)
Direct physical 2,136 (86.8%) 72 (70.6%) 1,262 (88.3%) 802 (86.3%)
Funeral, with the relationship reported 1,952 (81.9%) 53 (16.3%) 360 (90.9%) 1,539 (92.7%)
Close family 1,079 (55.3%) 34 (64.2%) 194 (53.9%) 851 (55.3%)
Extended family 550 (28.2%) 11 (20.8%) 96 (26.7%) 443 (28.8%)
Friend 121 (6.2%) 1 (1.9%) 50 (13.9%) 70 (4.5%)
Neighbour 154 (7.9%) 1 (1.9%) 9 (2.5%) 144 (9.4%)
Health care 6 (0.3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.4%)
Other 42 (2.2%) 6 (11.3%) 11 (3.1%) 25 (1.6%)
Non-funeral, with the relationship reported 6,105 (83.3%) 242 (23.2%) 2,249 (93.4%) 3,614 (93.1%)
Close family 3,610 (59.1%) 148 (61.2%) 1,336 (59.4%) 2,126 (58.8%)
Extended family 1,435 (23.5%) 48 (19.8%) 483 (21.5%) 904 (25.0%)
Friend 335 (5.5%) 10 (4.1%) 182 (8.1%) 143 (4.0%)
Neighbour 431 (7.1%) 12 (5.0%) 113 (5.0%) 306 (8.5%)
Health care 103 (1.7%) 6 (2.5%) 43 (1.9%) 54 (1.5%)
Other 191 (3.1%) 18 (7.4%) 92 (4.1%) 81 (2.2%)

Not all cases who reported funeral exposure explicitly reported whether they had touched the corpse. Cases who reported non-funeral exposure could report multiple types of exposure: belongings—“touched or shared the linens, clothes, or dishes/eating utensils of the case [contact]”; bodily fluids—“touched the body fluids of the case (blood, vomit, saliva, urine, feces)”; in same household—“slept, ate, or spent time in the same household or room as the case”; direct physical—“had direct physical contact with the body of the case”. Relationship was not reported for every exposure. We grouped reported relationships into classes: “close family” is defined as siblings, marital, and parent-child relationships; other family members are considered “extended family”; “neighbour” is defined as tenants, lodgers, landlords, and neighbours; “health care” is defined as HCW-patient relationships and caregivers, or any reference to a patient; “other” includes traditional healers, contacts through religious practice, and transport contacts. Type of exposure and relationship type are illustrated graphically in Figure d in S1 Text.