Figure 3.
Interchanging of confined diffusion and Brownian diffusion on cell membrane. (A) A representative trajectory of EGFR membrane diffusion is shown. The green and blue colors represent confined diffusion and Brownian diffusion, respectively. The zoom-in view (inset) shows the membrane confinements based on visual inspection. The fractions of free diffusion time and confinement time were 14.7% and 85.3%, respectively. (B) Time traces of the three motion classification parameters (α, Δϕ, Λ) and instantaneous velocity (Vi) of the representative trajectory shown in (A) are provided. (C) The ensemble-averaged MSD curves from the classified segments were fitted with the proper models to extract DBrn and L. The R-squared values were employed to evaluate the goodness-of-fit. Ribbons represent the standard deviations. (D) Histograms of logDBrn and logL derived from the classified segments are provided. These histograms were fitted with a Gaussian mixture model. To see this figure in color, go online.