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. 2016 Nov 15;11(11):e0166485. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166485

Table 4. Disclosure of relationships of interest.

Organisation What are the types of financial relationships considered? (a) Is financial threshold considered? What are the types of nonfinancial relationships considered? (b) Is relevance to the guideline topic considered? Is time period for disclosure considered? About whom is DOI collected? Is information for disclosure on financial and/or nonfinancial relationships of the individual’s personal relationships considered?
ACP [35] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Patent or royalties. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material. Having personal convictions (political, religious, ideological or other) related to the guideline topic that may interfere with an unbiased evidence review or recommendation process. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes Yes. Present and within the past three years Members ACP, board of regents, clinical guideline committee and ACP staff Yes. “Spouse” and limited to nonfinancial relationships “friend, spouse, family member, current or previous mentor or adversary”
CTFPHC [37] Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others No Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes No Potential participant in a CTFPHC led initiatives (peer reviewer, clinical expert, review team member, CTFPHC members) Yes. “Spouse and immediate family members”
CDC-ACIP [39,40] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Patent or royalties. Others No Not reported No No Members of CDC-ACIP Yes. “Immediate family member”
CENETEC [41] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Patent or royalties No Others Yes No Members of the guideline development group No
FMSD [43] Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Patent or royalties. Others No Not reported No Yes. 36 months prior submission of work only for some types of relationships Members of the guideline development group No
IETS [44] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Others No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material. Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Others No Yes. 24 months before only for some types of relationships Potential participants in the guideline work, any individual who has direct input to the guideline (members of the guideline development group: clinicians, patients, methodologists, external advisors, peer reviewers) Yes. First-degree relative, spouse, partner (pareja de hecho), children for whom the member is legally responsible
AWMF [45] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Patent or royalties. Equity/stock or shares. No Having personal convictions (political, religious, ideological or other) related to the guideline topic that may interfere with an unbiased evidence review or recommendation process. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group No Yes. Within the last 3 years Steering committee members, coordinators and work group leaders, and all participants in the guideline work Yes. “Personal/professional partners”
GS [47] Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Others No Not reported No Yes. Present and 3 years before Participants in the guideline work and anyone who has direct input into the guideline (including experts, patient/caregiver) No
HAS [48,49] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Patent or royalties. Equity/stock or shares. Others No Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others No Yes. Present and 5 years before Members of the guideline development group, individual experts, personnel of HAS Yes. Spouse, cohabitant, pacsè (who has signed the pacte civil de solidarité), parents and the children of this; individual’s children, parents
NCEC [55,56] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Patent or royalties. Equity/stock or shares. Gift No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material No No Committee members of NCEC, members of the guideline development group No
NHMRC [57] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material. Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes Yes. Over the past 3 years Chair and other members of the guideline development group Yes. “Immediate family members (partner and dependent children)”
NICE [58,59] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties. Others No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material. Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others No Yes. 12 months before joining an advisory committee or during the period of membership of an advisory committee All Committee members and anyone who has direct input into the guideline including the developer, the evidence review team, the expert witnesses Yes. “Spouse or partner living in the same residence as the individual, as well as children and adults (who may or may not be living in the same residence) for whom the individual is legally responsible”
SIGN [61,62] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others No Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group No Yes. The year prior to the declaration, and the year following the declaration Members of SIGN and anyone who has direct input to the guideline (members of the guideline development group, peer reviewers, advisors) Yes. “Partners or close relatives”
SNLG [63] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties No Not reported Yes No Members of guideline development group No
TGL [64] Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties. Others No Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes- Yes. Five past years, current and planned activities Director and staff of TLG, members of expert group, external reviewers Yes. “Associate: a member of the person’ family, or a business or professional colleague or partner”
GETS [65] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others No Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material No Yes. Last 3 years Any individual who has direct input to the guidelines including external collaborators and patients Yes. Familiar
HE-TU [66] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties Yes Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes Yes. Within the past 3 years Panel members. The chair of the panel Yes. “Spouse, adult children or siblings, close professional colleagues, administrative unit or department “
USPSTF [67] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties Yes Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes Yes. Two months prior to the meeting and continues until the final reports are completed. Past five years, in case of expert testimony or expert review in a medical malpractice case on a given Task Force-related topic Task Force members Yes. “Spouse and dependent children”
WHO [68] Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Equity/stock or shares. Patent or royalties. Others Yes Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others Yes No Members of the guideline development group, systematic review team, methodologists, external review group if they represent themselves Yes. “Individual’s immediate family members (defined as the spouse, or partner with whom one has a close personal relationship, and the children)”

(a) Types of financial relationships considered to perform the content analysis Paid employment. Paid consultancy or speaking engagement, honoraria, advisory role, board membership. Research grant or salary support. Patent or royalties. Equity/stock or shares. Gift. Others (e.g., travel grant, attending educational events)

(b) Type of nonfinancial relationships considered to perform the content analysis Development of related guidelines and standards, educational material. Publications, trials, systematic reviews. Having personal convictions (political, religious, ideological or other) related to the guideline topic that may interfere with an unbiased evidence review or recommendation process. Member of advisory board, committee, organisations, advocacy group. Others (e.g., expert testimony, public statement, speech, lecture, opinion leader, other reputational risks)