Figure 7.
Beating signals of P2 in the mixed Pfr → Lumi-F and Pr → Lumi-R processes. (a) 2D-ES map at T = 200 fs with contours. (b) Time trace taken at λ1 = 764 nm and λ3 = 726 nm marked by the magenta diamond in (a). The trace shows a beating signal with periodicity at ∼25 fs. (c) Distribution map of the beating power. The heat map encodes power spectrum intensity at 1158 cm−1. Contours of the 2D-ES at T = 0 fs are overlaid on the figure. (d) Fourier transform of the time trace in (b), showing a broad peak centered at 1158 cm−1, possibly associated with the vinyl C-H rocking vibrational modes. To see this figure in color, go online.