GroupS | IVTD (mm) (95% CI) | LLLA (o) (95% CI) |
sMTS | 2.52 ± 0.50 (1.88–3.12) | 124.41 ± 3.93 (119.37–129.45) |
dMTS | 2.29 ± 0.30 (1.77–2.82) | 121.82 ± 5.37 (117.71–125.93) |
oIVCS | 5.93 ± 2.21 (5.13–6.74) | 129.50 ± 5.93 (123.19–135.82) |
Control group | 4.34 ± 1.61 (4.18–4.50) | 135.54 ± 12.85 (134.33–136.76) |
Statistical analysis* | F = 32.649, P < 0.001; (Ps-d = 1.000, Ps-o<0.001, Ps-c<0.001, Pd-o<0.001, Pd-c<0.001,Po-c = 0.001) | F = 18.654, P < 0.001; (Ps-d = 1.000, Ps-o = 1.000, Ps-c<0.001, Pd-o = 0.274, Pd-c<0.001,Po-c = 0.393) |
c indicates control group; d/dMTS, low lumbar degeneration-related May-Thurner syndrome; IVTD, diameter of the iliac vein tunnel; LLLA, lower lumbar lordosis angle; o/oIVCS, other cause iliac vein compression; s/sMTS, simple May-Thurner syndrome.
*Bofferroni test was used in the statistical correction of multiple comparisons of means.