Fig 3. Level and structure of ancient genomic diversity.
(A) Total length of the genome in different ROH classes; shades indicate the range observed among modern samples from different populations and lines indicate the distributions for ancient samples. (B) The total length of short (<1.6Mb) vs long (≥1.6Mb) ROH. (C) Distribution of heterozygosity (θ) inferred in 1Mb windows along a portion of chromosome 3 showing the longest ROH segment in WC1. Solid lines represent the MLE estimate, shades indicate the 95% confidence intervals and dashed lines the genome-wide median for each sample. (D) Distribution of heterozygosity (θ) estimated in 1Mb windows across the autosomes for modern and ancient samples. (E) Similarity in the pattern of heterozygosity (θ) along the genome as obtained by a PCA on centered Spearman correlations. Ancient - Bich: Bichon, Upper Palaeolithic forager from Switzerland; KK1: Kotias, Mesolithic forager from Georgia; WC1: Wezmeh Cave, Early Neolithic farmer from Zagros; Mota: 4,500 year old individual from Ethiopia; BR2: Ludas-Varjú-dúló, Late Bronze Age individual from Hungary. Modern - YRI: Yoruban, W-Africa; TSI: Tuscans, Italy; PJL: Punjabi, Pakistan; GBR: British