Figure 2.
Expression and purification of the bispecific adapter (sCAR-CXCL12).
Notes: The structure of the sCAR-CXCL12 recombinant molecule was composed of an ectodomain portion of the human Coxsackie and Ad receptor followed by a 5-amino-acid peptide linker, a 6-His tag, fused to the mature human chemokine CXCL12 amino acid sequence (A). SDS-PAGE analysis and Coomassie staining of the sCAR-CXCL12 recombinant adapter protein purified by Ni column chromatography (B) and Western blot analysis using an anti-His tag antibody (C). Comparison of hCAR, CXCL12, and His tag antigen detection by Western blot analysis in recombinant sCAR-CXCL12 protein (D). M, molecular weight marker; numbers indicate molecular weight in kDa.
Abbreviations: Ad, adenovirus; Ad5, Ad serotype 5; hCAR, human Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor; His, histidine; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; sCAR, soluble ectodomain form of the native Ad5 receptor; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate.