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. 2016 Apr 22;34(12):1657–1665. doi: 10.1007/s00345-016-1828-0

Table 1.

Complete search query, filters used for the systematic literature search and inclusion criteria of the articles previous to identification of the key topics

Search query
(“Kidney neoplasms”[Mesh] OR kidney neoplasm*[tiab] OR kidney cancer*[tiab] OR kidney tumo*[tiab] OR kidney neoplasm*[tiab] OR kidney malignan*[tiab] OR kidney carcinoma*[tiab] OR kidney adenoma*[tiab] OR nephroma*[tiab] OR renal mass*[tiab] OR renal tumor*[tiab] OR renal tumor*[tiab] OR renal neoplasm*[tiab] OR renal cancer*[tiab] OR renal malignan*[tiab] OR renal carcinoma*[tiab] OR renal adenoma*[tiab]) AND (“Ablation Techniques”[Mesh] OR “Cryosurgery”[Mesh] OR cryotherap*[tiab] OR ablat*[tiab] OR cryoablat*[tiab] OR cryosurger*[tiab] OR RFA [tiab] OR radiofrequency ablat*[tiab] OR radio frequency ablat*[tiab] OR focal therap*[tiab]) AND (“follow-up studies”[Mesh] OR “minimally invasive surgical procedures”[Mesh] OR follow-up[tiab] OR follow-up[tiab] OR follow-up [tiab] OR CT [tiab] OR “tomography, X-ray computed”[Mesh] OR “ultrasonography”[Mesh] OR “magnetic resonance imaging”[Mesh] OR “biopsy”[Mesh] OR computed tomography[tiab] OR imaging[tiab] OR ultraso*[tiab] OR MRI[tiab] OR magnetic resonance imaging[tiab] OR biops*[tiab] OR “neoplasm recurrence, local”[Mesh] OR neoplasm persist*[tiab]) NOT (“animals”[Mesh] NOT “humans”[Mesh]) NOT (“letter” [Publication Type] OR “comment”[pt] OR “editorial”[pt])
Published last 10 years
Inclusion criteria
≥50 Patients included
≥24 Months follow-up