(A) Illustration of the channel-independent and channel-dependent conformations of Rrp44 along with associated features in the Exo9 core from the side and top views. The center panel depicts a theoretical transition between the two states in which the Rrp43L1, Rrp43L2 and Rrp45Cterm are disordered. Surface representations of Rrp44 were generated using the model from this work and PDB 4IFD for the channel-independent and channel-dependent conformations, respectively.
(B and C) Rrp43L1, Rrp43L2 and Rrp45Cterm features associated with the channel-independent (B) and channel-dependent (C) conformations of Rrp44 from this work and PDB 4IFD, respectively. Order/disorder boundaries of Rrp43L1 and Rrp43L2 are indicated by colored spheres. See also Figures S2 and S3.