(A) SDS-PAGE analysis of reconstituted Exo1144/6 complexes containing mutant Rrp43 and/or Rrp45 proteins.
(B and C) WT and mutant Exo1144/6 activity on 14 nt (B) and 37 nt (C) 5’ FAM polyA RNA substrates. The experiment was performed in triplicate and quantification of mean values is shown with error bars at ±1 standard deviation. Representative polyacrylamide TBE-urea gels are shown below.
(D) Initial rates based on decay products generated by Rrp44 in Exo1144/6 complexes and free Rrp44 on short (14 nt) and long (37 nt) 5’ FAM polyA RNA substrates from the experiments in panels (B) and (C). Mean values are shown with error bars at ±1 standard deviation.
(E and F) WT and mutant Exo1144/6 activity on 14 nt (E) and 36 nt (F) AU-rich RNA substrates. The experiment was performed in triplicate and quantification of mean values is shown with error bars at ±1 standard deviation. Representative polyacrylamide TBE-urea gels are shown below. See also Figure S4.