Figure 6. RNA Path to Rrp6 in Exo1144/6/3’-3’RNA Structure.
(A to E) RNA contacts to Rrp6, the S1/KH proteins, and Rrp41. Mesh represents electron density from a simulated annealing 2Fo-Fc omit map contoured at 1.2 σ. Unmodeled density between the Exo and HRDC domains of Rrp6 is shown (B). Residues mutated in this and/or previous studies that contribute to the activities of the RNA exosome are highlighted with colored asterisks.
(F) Polyacrylamide TBE-urea gel analysis of decay of 5’ FAM 37 nt polyA RNA by mutants in Rrp6.
(G) Polyacrylamide TBE-urea gel analysis of decay of 5’ FAM 37 nt polyA RNA by WT Exo1144/6 and a mutant in the S1/KH protein Rrp40. See also Figure S7.