Experimental protocol. A, Trial timeline for both tasks. Between
trials, subjects look at the center fixation light and maintain fixation until
after target presentation. At the start of a trial, the center fixation light
was extinguished, and 100 ms later an auditory and a visual target were
presented from independent locations, in order to produce a disparity in azimuth
between them. After target presentation, subjects were instructed to either
indicate whether or not the targets came from the same location (Congruence
Judgment) or point a LED pointer to the auditory target (Auditory Localization).
B, Task sequence across experimental sessions. Subjects were
randomly assigned to perform either the auditory localization or congruence
judgment task in sessions 1 and 3, and the other task in session 2.
C, Target array for both tasks. Auditory and visual target
pairs were distributed in azimuth as shown, with each dot representing one pair
of auditory and visual target locations. Location pairs were selected from the
array in a pseudorandom order, and presented once each. Audio-visual disparity
ranged from 0° (i.e. no disparity, black line) to 35° (visual
target at ±5° and auditory target at ±40°, or vice
versa) in azimuth. The highlighted point indicates the example target locations
in panel A.