Fig. 2.
CT feedback increased both the early and late responses of VPM units in homologous barreloids (n = 21). A: average PSTHs of PD′ response in 2 example VPM units with matching PDs (top, VPM unit 3, PD = PD′) or mismatching PDs (bottom, VPM unit 9, PD ≠ PD′) with the cortical unit. Note the increase of the late response after cortical stimulation. B: CT activation increased the firing probability of homologous VPM units to PD′ but not NPD′ directions. C: CT feedback increased both the early and late PD′ responses of homologous VPM units. Left: raster plots of a proportion of trials of VPM units in response to PD′ before (top) and after (bottom) CT activation. Both early and late VPM responses to PD′ increased after CT activation. D: CT activation had no significant effect on either early or late NPD′ responses. Note the different y-scale of the raster plots. **P < 0.01.