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. 2016 Nov 1;30(11):519–527. doi: 10.1089/apc.2016.0223

Table 1.

Comparison of Characteristics of Original African Intervention21 and Characteristics of Adapted Alabama FRESH Intervention

Characteristic 5 African Countries Alabama
Facilitator (s) 1 nurse and 1 PLWH 1 social worker and 1 PLWH
Length and timing of workshop 2-day project initiation and 1-day project evaluation workshop; 35–49 h total 1.5 days, 2 weeks apart on the weekend; 12 h total
Participants 84 total; 43 nurses and 41 PLWH 36 total; 17 HCW and 19 PLWH
Recruitment All participants in a given workshop were from the same healthcare facility within one of five African countries. HCW participants were recruited from HIV clinics and health departments; PLWH were recruited from ASOs, HIV clinics, HIV support groups, and social venues
Participation criteria HCWs: Nurse at identified clinic HWs: Staff in healthcare setting with patient contact
  PLWH: Living with HIV, patient at identified clinic PLWH: Living with HIV, age 19 or older
Content Understanding and defining stigma Understanding stigma
    Intersecting stigmas and outcomes of stigma
  The outcomes of stigma HIV knowledge update
    Coping with and changing stigma
  Why is stigma hard to change? Intervening in stigma
    Group presentations
  Identifying stigma interventions and local examples Large group discussion, feedback on group presentations, next steps
  Evaluating options for action Reflections on workshop experience
    Planning for change
    Choosing project options
    Planning the project
    Vision, aim, and objectives
    Task analysis and action plan
Assessments Qualitative interviews and questionnaires 3 months before the intervention and within 1 month of completion of the intervention Questionnaires before the first workshop session and immediately following the last workshop session

ASO, AIDS service organization; FRESH, Finding Respect and Ending Stigma around HIV; HW, healthcare workers; PLWH, people living with HIV.