Figure 4.
35S:JcLFY-overexpressing transgenic Jatropha exhibited slightly early flowering (A) Wild-type (WT) Jatropha grown in the field for 2 months and still in the vegetative stage, bar = 50 cm. (B) Shoot apex of WT Jatropha in the field, no flower produced. bar = 1 cm. (C,E,G) 35S:JcLFY transgenic Jatropha (L8, L34, and L47, respectively) grown in the field for 2 months and at the anthesis stage, bar = 50 cm. (D,F,H) Inflorescence of transgenic Jatropha in the field with a single terminal flower on L47 (white arrow indicated in H). bar = 1 cm.