Fig. 3.
Tor is required autonomously for CySC differentiation. (A) Control nuclear GFP-labeled clone at 7 dpci showing labeled CySCs adjacent to the hub (A′, arrow) and differentiated cyst cells that have moved away from the hub (A′, arrowhead). (A′) A maximum projection of the confocal stack to display all the labeled GFP-positive cells in this sample. (B) TorΔP mutant clone at 7 dpci. All the mutant cells (B′, arrows) in the clone remained close to the hub, as seen in the maximum projection in B′. (C) Quantification of the distance between marked cells in clones and the hub. TorΔP clones remained significantly closer to the hub than control clones (P<1×10−4, Mann–Whitney). (D) Preventing cell death in TorΔP clones at 7 dpci by expressing the caspase inhibitor P35 does not lead to the recovery of differentiated cells (D′, arrows). (E) Control clones contained both Zfh1-expressing CySCs (E′,E‴, arrow) and Eya-expressing differentiated cyst cells (E′,E″, arrowhead). (F) By contrast, TorΔP mutant clones contained only Zfh1-expressing cells (F′,F‴, arrow) and no Eya-expressing cells (F″). The hub is outlined with a red dotted line.