Table 3. Putative deleterious rare CNVs in this cohort.
Sample | Cytoband | CNV | Inheritance | Authors' classification | Phenotype |
DE61OSOUKBD100197 | 2q13 | hg19 chr2:g.(111186302_111667198)_(113094793_113273657)dup | U | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, sister as unilateral renal agenesis, both patient and sister are otherwise healthy |
SKZ_1248 | 4q35.2 | hg19 chr4:g.(187540292_187318091)_(187318091_187849681)dup | M | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, pyloric stenosis; dysmorphisms, hearing loss |
SKZ_1856 | 6p22.3 | hg19 chr6:g.(20884837_20901311)_(20901267_21082258)del | NP | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, septal defect, club foot |
SKZ_1855 | 11p15.4 | hg19 chr11:g.(4371631_4391231)_(5132119_5253127)dup | NP | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF |
SKZ_0856 | 15q13.3 | hg19 chr15:g.(32457092_32457092)_(32514341_32771537)del | P | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, anal atresia, bifid/fused ribs, coarctation, abnormal arterial supply right lung, abnormal sacrum |
SKZ_1150 | 16p13.11 | hg19 chr16:g.(15539023_15545022)_(16282307_16291541)dup | P | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF+ atrioventricular septal defect |
SKZ_1988 | 16p13.11 | hg19 chr16:g.(15034035_15092778)_(15998820_16106095)dup | P | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, anal anomalies |
SKZ_1780 | 22q11.21 | hg19 chr22:g.(18637139_18640300)_(20286099_20289862)dup | M | Uncertain – likely pathogenic | OA/TOF, anal atresia, ventricular septal defect |
SKZ_0680 | Xp22.2 | hg19 chrX:g.(10299643_10302384)_(10637327_10638042)del | M | Pathogenic | Laryngo-tracheo-oesophageal-cleft, hypospadias, dysmorphims, hypotonia, pyloric stenosis; opitz syndrome |
Abbreviations: M, inheritance – maternal; NP, no parental DNA available; NZ, nullizygous; P, inheritance – paternal; U, inheritance – undetermined.
Total number of putative deleterious CNVs in the Erasmus MC – Sophia, Baylor College of Medicine and University of Bonn OA/TOF cohort (=375). Chromosome region according to build hg19. All CNVs were absent from our in-house control cohort.