The mean and SE values of the mean frequency (A,E), the depth of modulation (B,F), the burst frequency (C,G), and the interburst frequency (D,H) of neurons recorded in rabbits with intact spinal cord (Control) and in rabbits with LHS on the side of lesion (Ipsi- to LHS) and on the intact side (Contra- to LHS). These values are shown for the entire population of F- and E-neurons (All), as well as for its sub-populations located in different zones (1–3) of the gray matter (Fig. 4A,B). The total number of F-neurons recorded in control were n=249 and in rabbits with LHS on the lesioned and intact side were n=75, 122, respectively. The numbers of F-neurons recorded in zones 1,2,3 in control were n=62, 94, 93. The numbers of F-neurons recorded in zones 1,2,3 in rabbits with LHS on the lesioned and intact side were n=23, 29, 23 and n=34, 46, 42, respectively. The total number of E-neurons recorded in control were n=186, and in rabbits with LHS on the lesioned and intact side were n=80, 122, respectively. The numbers of E-neurons recorded in zones 1,2,3 in rabbits with LHS on the lesioned and intact side were n=18, 36, 26 and n=22, 45, 20, respectively. Indication of significance level: *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.