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. 2016 Sep 3;130(3):581–590. doi: 10.1007/s11060-016-2264-0

Table 2.

Summary of clinical characteristics of 1644 case-matched brain metastasis patients

Characteristics Total Neurological symptoms p valuesa
No (group A) Yes (group B)
No. of patients 1644 822 822
Age (years)
 Mean 64 64 65 0.04
 Range 19–96 19–96 19–93
 Female 650 (39.5 %) 327 (39.8 %) 323 (39.3 %) 0.88
Tumor numbers
 Mean 7 8 7 0.87
 Median 3 4 3
 Range 1–89 1–63 1–74
 IQR 1–9 1–9 1–8
Primary cancer sites
 Lung 1077 (65.5 %) 531 (64.6 %) 546 (66.4 %) 0.47a
 Breast 192 (11.7 %) 101 (12.3 %) 91 (11.1 %)
 GI tract 172 (10.5 %) 87 (10.6 %) 85 (10.3 %)
 Kidney 79 (4.8 %) 42 (5.1 %) 37 (4.5 %)
 Others 124 (7.5 %) 61 (7.4 %) 63 (7.7 %)
Primary cancer status
 Controlled 507 (30.8 %) 254 (30.9 %) 253 (30.8 %) 1.00
Extra-cerebral METs
 No 830 (50.5 %) 412 (50.1 %) 418 (50.9 %) 0.81
 ≥80 % 1291 (78.5 %) 647 (78.7 %) 644 (78.4 %) 0.90
Modified-RPA class [34, 35]
 1 + 2a 354 (21.5 %) 172 (20.9 %) 182 (22.1 %)
 2b 528 (32.1 %) 272 (33.1 %) 256 (31.1 %) 0.41c
 2c + 3 762 (46.4 %) 378 (46.0 %) 384 (46.7 %) 0.53d
Prior surgery
 Yes 231 (14.1 %) 113 (13.8 %) 118 (14.4 %) 0.78
Prior WBRT
 Yes 75 (4.6 %) 36 (4.4 %) 39 (4.7 %) 0.81
Tumor volume (cc)
  Mean 8.92 8.80 9.04 0.87
  Range 0.01–115.3 0.01–115.3 0.05–77.88
  IQR 2.18–11.74 1.80-11.66 2.62–11.95
Largest tumor
 Mean 6.17 6.06 6.29 0.65
 Range 0.02–94.20 0.02–94.20 0.05-70.00
 IQR 1.31–7.80 0.92–7.82 1.80–7.80
Peripheral dose (Gy)
 Mean 21.32 22.28 21.30 0.55
 Range 10.00–25.00 12.00–32.00 12.00–25.00
 IQR 20.00–24.00 20.00–24.00 20.00–24.00

IQR interquartile range, GI gastrointestinal, METs metastases, KPS Karnofsky Performance Status,12 RPA recursive partitioning analysis, 4 WBRT whole brain radiotherapy, CI confidence interval

aStudent t test was used for continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test for pairs of categorical variables, bLung versus non-lung, cModified-RPA classes 1 + 2a versus 2b, dModified-RPA classes 2b versus 2c + 3