Figure 5. H19 and IGF2 expression positively correlates with HMGA1P7 in breast cancer.
(A) Left Panel, Western blot analysis of HMGA1 and IGF2 protein levels in control and HMGA1P7-overexpressing MCF7 cells. Right Panel, qRT-PCR analysis of H19 expression of control and HMGA1P7-overexpressing MCF7 cells. (B) MCF7 cell proliferation of control and HMGA1P7-overexpressing cells (C) qRT-PCR analysis in tumor and normal breast tissues. The fold change indicates the relative change in expression levels between tumor samples and normal samples, assuming that the value of normal sample is equal to 1. (B) Correlation analysis of HMGA1P7 versus H19 and HMGA1P7 versus IGF2 are shown. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is shown.