Food group intakes, assessed by food record at 7.5 y, showing only those foods and drinks that differed by longitudinal picky eating groups at ages 2–5.5 y in a subsample of ALSPAC children1
Picky eating |
High |
Early onset |
Food group intakes, g/d | Never | Low | Nonpersistent | Persistent | Late onset |
n | 1350 | 3134 | 279 | 403 | 100 |
Total meat | 85 (83, 88)a | 78 (77, 80)b | 77 (71, 83)a,b | 62 (58, 66)c | 66 (57, 74)b,c |
Carcass meat2 | 45 (43, 47)a | 40 (38, 41)b | 36 (31, 41)b,c | 27 (24, 30)d | 28 (22, 34)c,d |
Processed meat3 | 40 (39, 42) | 38 (37, 39) | 41 (37, 45) | 35 (32, 38) | 38 (32, 43) |
Eggs and egg dishes | 9 (8, 10) | 7 (7, 8)a | 7 (5, 8)a | 5 (4, 7)a | 4 (2, 6)a |
Plain or mashed potatoes | 34 (32, 36)a | 30 (28, 31)b | 25 (21, 29)b,c | 21 (18, 24)c | 22 (15, 28)b,c |
Total vegetables | 66 (64, 69)a | 56 (54, 58)b | 51 (46, 56)b | 34 (30, 38)c | 32 (24, 40)c |
Total fruits | 87 (83, 91)a | 78 (75, 81)b | 71 (62, 79)b,c | 58 (52, 65)c | 57 (45, 68)b,c |
Salad dressing, barbecue sauce, etc. | 13 (13, 14)a | 11 (11, 12)b | 10 (8, 12)b,c | 8 (7, 9)c | 8 (6, 10)b,c |
Buns, cakes, and pastries | 31 (29, 32)a | 30 (29, 31)a | 27 (23, 30) a b | 25 (22, 27)b | 25 (20, 30)a,b |
Total milk4 | 262 (252, 272)a | 255 (248, 261)a | 263 (239, 387)a,b | 299 (277, 320)b | 264 (217, 311)a,b |
Sweet biscuits and cookies | 19 (18, 20)a | 21 (20, 21)a | 22, (20, 24)a,b | 24 (22, 26)b | 22 (19, 26)a,b |
Chocolate confectionery | 15 (14, 16)a | 16 (15, 17)a | 17 (15, 19)a,b | 20 (18, 22)b | 18 (15. 22)a,b |
Carbonated drinks with sugar | 64 (58, 71)a | 79 (74, 84)b | 98 (79, 117)b | 86 (72, 100)b | 75 (48, 102)a,b |
Values are means (95% CIs). Values in the same row without a common superscript letter are significantly different, P < 0.05; rows with no letters have no significant differences between values (ANOVA with Bonferroni correction). Picky eating scores (longitudinal) were assessed with the use of a questionnaire and were defined as follows: 0, not choosy; 1, quite choosy; and 2, very choosy. The responses for singletons were scored 0–2. The overall prevalence of picky eating for children aged 2, 3, 4.5, and 5.5 y was calculated from the number of cases that reported a picky eating score of 2 at ≥2 time points. Early-onset picky eating was defined as the first report of picky eating (score of 2) being at the age of 2 or 3 y; late-onset picky eating was defined as the first report of picky eating (score of 2) being at the age of 4.5 or 5.5 y. Persistent picky eating was defined as a score of 2 at the first and/or second time points and then a score of 2 at both the third and fourth time points. A list of other food groups compared are provided in Supplemental Text. ALSPAC, Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.
Included lamb, pork, beef, poultry, liver, and kidney.
Included sausages, ham, bacon, burgers, meat pies, breaded poultry, salami, etc.
Included whole and semiskimmed milk, skimmed cow milk, other animal milks, soya milk, human milk, formula, and cream [100 g milk equivalent to ∼100 mL (an American cup holds 236 mL)].