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. 2016 Nov 2;146(12):2476–2490. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.238931


Postabsorptive plasma metabolite abundances (ranked highest to lowest by percentage difference) in male mice fed a 45%-fat diet with or without HAMRS2 supplementation for 10 wk1

Metabolite2 Control HAMRS2 Percentage difference (HAMRS2 relative to control)3 MWU MWU-FDR VIP5
 Sorbitol 1160 ± 123 1450 ± 113 25 0.0140 0.20 1.23
 2-Deoxyerythritol 5210 ± 316 6490 ± 526 25 0.09 0.40 1.15
 Fructose 6140 ± 817 7580 ± 548 24 0.09 0.40 1.26
 Ribose 76 ± 8 93 ± 8 23 0.19 0.56 1.18
 1,5-Anhydroglucitol 13,100 ± 690 9710 ± 264 −26 <0.0001 <0.0001 1.62
 Glutamine 40,400 ± 2600 50,600 ± 2000 25 0.0010 0.08 1.43
 N-methylalanine 6580 ± 478 8070 ± 245 23 0.0120 0.20 1.54
 Urea 427,000 ± 94,600 467,000 ± 48,500 9 0.98 1.00 1.39
 Lactamide 407 ± 35 361 ± 22 −11 0.33 0.67 1.11
 Aspartic acid 1700 ± 155 1480 ± 78 −13 0.25 0.62 1.10
 Nicotinamide 570 ± 35 458 ± 13 −20 0.0140 0.20 1.59
 β-Sitosterol 292 ± 52 403 ± 49 38 0.13 0.48 1.63
 Pelargonic acid 5240 ± 540 7080 ± 246 35 0.0040 0.17 1.47
 Capric acid 1060 ± 105 1330 ± 48 25 0.06 0.35 1.24
 Palmitoleic acid 1540 ± 111 1280 ± 98 −17 0.2010 0.58 1.17
 Octadecanol 246 ± 21 183 ± 11 −26 0.0150 0.20 1.19
 Malonic acid 2650 ± 289 3660 ± 437 38 0.10 0.44 1.16
 3-Hydroxybutanoic acid 13,380 ± 1113 18,200 ± 2826 36 0.11 0.45 1.42
 Benzoic acid 5020 ± 484 6460 ± 257 29 0.0230 0.22 1.33
 Glyceric acid 2050 ± 139 2380 ± 78 16 0.06 0.35 1.17
 2-Hydroxybutanoic acid 9040 ± 769 10470 ± 825 16 0.22 0.59 1.64
 Threonic acid 2850 ± 206 3300 ± 82 16 0.0450 0.31 1.36
 2-Ketoisocaproic acid 2540 ± 175 2920 ± 159 15 0.0460 0.31 1.64
 2-Deoxyisotetronic acid 3470 ± 259 3980 ± 139 15 0.06 0.35 1.36
 Isothreonic acid 607 ± 33 676 ± 29 12 0.16 0.51 1.25
 2,3-Dihydroxybutanoic acid 247 ± 13 262 ± 11 6 0.33 0.67 1.14
 Fumaric acid 3471 ± 182 3247 ± 260 −7 0.31 0.65 1.10
 Pyruvic acid 16,900 ± 1294 12,900 ± 915 −23 0.0290 0.25 1.76

Values are means ± SEMs; n = 15 in the control group, n = 14 in the HAMRS2 group. Only annotated metabolites with mean bootstrapped VIP measurements ≥1 are presented. Nonannotated metabolites are not shown for the sake of brevity but are provided in Supplemental Table 2. FDR, false discovery rate; HAMRS2, high-amylose-maize resistant starch type 2; MWU, Mann-Whitney U; VIP, variable importance in projection.


Metabolite abundances are reported in quantifier ion peak heights in the 0.5-μL extract derived from 15 μL plasma.


Percentage difference = [(HAMRS2 − control)/control] × 100.


Group comparisons were assessed by Mann-Whitney U tests. P values were adjusted for false discovery rate correction. Significance was set at an adjusted P value ≤ 0.05.


VIP was calculated from bootstrapped partial least-squares-discriminant analysis models derived from training data (n = 10 mice/group).