Fig. 1.
Acrylamide formation (μg kg−1 dry weight) (back-transformed means from analysis of variance) in tuber flour heated to 160 °C for 20 min for twenty potato varieties grown at sites near Doncaster and Woburn, UK, and stored at 8 °C for two or six months, as indicated. The boiling type (Harmony) is shown in yellow, crisping type in red and French fry type in blue. The columns for Harmony in the top panels and for Pentland Dell and Umatilla Russet in the top right panel are truncated to allow them to be shown on the same scale as the others, and the actual figures are given above each column. For statistical analysis see Table 1, Table 2. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)