Figure 4. Experimental colonization by S. minutum CCMP830 of aposymbiotic A. pallida treated with increasing levels of the SR inhibitor, fucoidan.
Graph shows percent colonization success as measured by surface area of host gastrodermis occupied by symbionts (see Methods for details) as a function of time after inoculation. Two controls were included: FSW alone and an 18 h incubation in 200 µg/ml fucoidan in FSW followed by a 48 h recovery in FSW to test for fucoidan toxicity to the animals. Anemones in experimental fucoidan treatments exhibited a dose-dependent response with decreased colonization success with increasing fucoidan concentrations. Bars represent means ± SD, n = 3 anemones per treatment. Asterisks indicate high (p > 0.999) posterior probability of treatment effects being different from controls under the Bayesian ANOVA model.