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. 2015 Jun 1;1:2333721415587449. doi: 10.1177/2333721415587449

Table 1.

Variables and Descriptive Statistics.

Variables M SD Source
Dependent variables
 Average facility level ADL score of nursing home residents (avg ADL) 17.73 1.92 LTCFa
 Average facility level RUG case mix Nursing Case Mix Index of nursing home residents (avg NCMI) 0.84 0.06 LTCF
Explanatory variables
 Market characteristicsb
  ALF beds/1,000 population 65+ 32.33 18.64 VA DSS,c
U.S. Censusd
  Binary indicators using ALF beds/1,000 persons age 65+
  No ALF bed capacity (reference category) 0.07
  Low ALF bed capacity (>0 and <23) 0.23
  Mid-ALF capacity (≥23 and <37) 0.37
  High ALF capacity (≥37) 0.34
  Nursing home (NH) competition (Herfindahl index of beds) 0.38 0.28 LTCF
  #home health agencies (HHA) per 1,000 persons age 65+ 1.04 1.74 LTCF
  Per capita income 2010 38,854 11,736 BEAe
  % 2010 population age 65 years or older 14.43 4.17 U.S. Census
  % 2010 Black population 20.63 15.05 U.S. Census
 Nursing home organizational characteristics
  Total beds 117.08 58.19 LTCF
  For-profit owned (0/1) 0.71 LTCF
  Chain member (0/1) 0.71 LTCF
  Has Alzheimer’s specialty unit (0/1) 0.14 LTCF
  % Medicaid residents 58.34 21.64 OSCARf
  % Medicare residents 18.83 12.87 OSCAR
Number of observations 248

Note. ADL = Activities of Daily Living; RUG = Resource Utilization Group; NCMI = Nursing Case Mix Index; ALF = assisted living facility; BEA = Bureau of Economic Analysis; OSCAR = Online Survey Certification and Reporting System.


Long-Term Care Focus.


Variables measured for market of nursing home. Market is county or city/county combination as defined by the U.S. BEA.


Virginia Department of Social Services for numerator.


U.S. Census Bureau for denominator.




Online Survey Certification and Reporting System.