Quality of Cryo-EM Maps and Models, Related to Figure 1
The EM map for each isolated RNC complex is shown colored according to individual factors (top row) or by local resolution (second row). Below each local resolution map are Fourier shell correlation (FSC) curves calculated between independent half maps (black), and calculated between the refined model and final map (purple), and with the self (blue) and cross-validated (magenta) correlations for each complex. The nominal resolution estimated from the map-to-map correlation at FSC = 0.143 is reported and agrees well with the model-to-map correlation at FSC = 0.5. The 80S⋅eRF1(AAQ)⋅ABCE1 map was generated by combining all of the datasets from (Brown et al., 2015b) to analyze eRF1 conformational changes during the termination pathway (see Figures 7 and S7).