Table 1.
Video game description.
Video game | Task |
Balloon | If a balloon meets one of the four circles, the participant has to push the corresponding arrow on the plate. The balloons come from random sides of the game play screen and move toward one of the four circles. The balloons may exhibit different colors and the participant has to inhibit moving, in case the balloon exhibits the “wrong” color. |
Step | If an object meets one of four target object points (corresponding to front, back, left, and right arrows), the participant has to push the relevant arrow direction on the plate. The objects appear in the middle of the play screen and run to one of the four target objects. The participant has to inhibit moving when the shape of the appearing objects (e.g., triangles) is incompatible with the four target objects (e.g., squares). |
Season | Participants view four different scenes (four seasons). Each of the four scenes corresponds to one arrow direction of the plate. If within a scene a moving animation (e.g., bird) appears, the participant has to push the corresponding arrow on the plate as quickly as possible. |
Space | The game is based on the rules of the tile-matching video game Tetris. The participant arranges the tile objects using the relevant arrow directions on the plate. |