Fig. 3.
The effects of ZT13 kindling stimuli on sleep alterations in wildtype mice. a ZT13 kindling stimuli enhanced NREM sleep during ZT13-18 in the 1st-day after seizure induction, but there was no change on the following day. b ZT13 kindling stimulation did not alter REM sleep. Shadow areas represents the data obtained from baseline control, closed circles represent the data acquired from the 1st-day after seizure induction, and the open circles represents the 2nd-day after seizure induction. c The summary of NREM sleep alteration after ZT13 kindling stimuli. The grey bar represents the data obtained from control, the black bar represents the data acquired from the 1st-day after seizure induction, and the white bar represents the data obtained from the 2nd-day after seizure induction. Asterisk refers to a statistically significant difference between control and the 1st-day after seizure induction. Sleep-wake activity was recorded from the beginning of the dark period (ZT13) and lasted for 24 h