Table 1.
Example items for each of the four experimental conditions. For each sentence, a word-by-word translation is given along with the corresponding English example from Sanford et al. (2011). Each trial consists of a context sentence followed by an anomalous or control target sentence. Target words are highlighted in bold print, contextual manipulations are given in italics.
Context Sentence | Target Sentence |
Ein amerikanischer Jumbo Jet wurde von bewaffneten Extremisten gezwungen, An American jumbo jet was by armed extremists forced in Kanada zu landen und Experten waren schnell vor Ort, um zu vermitteln. in Canada to land and experts were quickly on site for to mediate. A North American jumbo jet was forced at gunpoint to land in Canada, and experts were quickly on hand to help. |
Borderline anomalous |
Die Lage beruhigte sich durch die Verhandlungen der Behörden mit den verängstigten Geiseln, The situation calmed itself by the negotiations of-the authorities with the scared hostages die im Flugzeug saßen. who in-the plane sat. First of all the authorities' initial negotiations with the scared and desperate hostages helped calm the situation. | |
Borderline control | |
Die Lage beruhigte sich durch die Kommunikation der Behörden mit den verängstigten Geiseln, The situation calmed itself by the communications of-the authorities with the scared hostages die im Flugzeug saßen. who in-the plane sat. First of all the authorities' initial communications with the scared and desperate hostages helped calm the situation. | |
Christian und Julias gemeinsamer Abend in dem neuen Restaurant war ein Christian and Julia's joint evening in the new restaurant was a richtiger Reinfall. proper letdown. Denise and Fred's date to the new restaurant was a complete disaster. |
Easy anomalous |
Zuerst servierte ihnen der Maler die falschen Gerichte und dann wurde ihnen auch noch zu viel berechnet. First served them the painter the wrong meals and then was them also still too much charged. They were given the wrong meals by the painter and then they were overcharged for their meals. | |
Easy control | |
Zuerst servierte ihnen der Kellner die falschen Gerichte und dann wurde ihnen auch noch zu viel berechnet. First served them the waiter the wrong meals and then was them also still too much charged. They were given the wrong meals by the waiter and then they were overcharged for their meals. |