Figure 2.
Case #1: Swept source optical coherence tomography microangiography (SS-OMAG) of an asymptomatic eye from a patient with exudative age-related macular degeneration in their fellow eye. (A) Standard OCT B-scan through the fovea showing elevations of the RPE consistent with typical drusen, but no evidence of macular fluid. (B) Standard OCT B-scan through the fovea with color-coded flow represented as red and green for the retinal microvasculature, pink for flow under the RPE and within the inner CC, and green for flow in the remainder of the choroid. Note the pink coloration under the RPE elevations that were thought to be a typical drusen on the routine OCT B-scan. (C) Magnified area of the plaque seen on late ICGA corresponding to the same area scanned by SS-OMAG. (D–F) SS-OMAG en face images of a slab between the outer retinal layer, which was the bottom boundary of the outer plexiform layer, to the choriocapillaris, which was about 8 um beneath Bruch’s membrane. (D) SS-OMAG en face image showing a multilobular neovascular complex best observed using a slab from outer retinal layer (ORL), just the RPE, to the inner portion choriocapillaris (CC). (E) The same en face image showed in panel D following removal of projection artifacts. (F) Composite, color-coded en face SS-OMAG flow image encompassing the outer retinal layer and the choroid revealing the multilobular type 1 neovascularization in pink.